When we speak about useful smartphone apps there is a real chance you can miss something. So many apps are released everyday and it is impossible to try all of them. Below are some useful apps that you may have missed.
Bromite is a Chromium fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements. The main goal is to provide a no-clutter browsing experience without privacy-invasive features and with the addition of a fast ad-blocking engine. /Android
Super Status Bar
Super Status Bar adds useful tweaks to your status bar such as gestures, notification previews, and quick brightness & volume control. /Android
Sesame is a powerful universal search on Android. It integrates with your launcher, learns from you, and makes hundreds of personal shortcuts. With Sesame universal search, everything is 1 or 2 taps away! /Android
Keep a diary and capture your day without writing down a single word! You can create a daily entry in two taps – pick mood and activities. Daylio then crunches the data and displays it in stats, charts, and correlations. /Android, iOS
There are many ways to communicate. Drupe brings both your contacts and communication apps together, getting rid of the hassle. /Android, iOS
Disa is your new messaging hub. Just one hub. Conversations from Telegram, Facebook and Text Messaging services can seamlessly be joined together, or disbanded within seconds. /Android, iOS coming soon
Workflows combine a bunch of steps across apps into a single tap. Collect workflows to save time and effort every day. /iOS
Gyroscope is not just a new app for your phone or watch. It is a new operating system for your entire body & mind. Set up your Health Score to get daily insights to understand and improve your longevity. /Android, iOS
Bear App
Bear is a beautiful, flexible writing app for crafting notes and prose. /iOS, MacOS
What3words divides the world into 3 meter squares and gave each square a unique combination of three words. It’s the easiest way to find and share exact locations. /Android, iOS
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